Friday, April 10, 2009

愛轉角 Ai Zhuan Jiao [Love's Corner] by Show Luo

我伪装着, 不露痕迹的 wo wei zhuang zhe bu lu hen ji de
I put on a facade, not leaving a trace
想在你身边 xiang zai ni shen bian
Wanting to be by your side
静静地陪着看着天边 jing jing de pei zhe kan zhe tian bian
And quietly accompanying you to watch the horizon
骑着单车 往前行进着 qi zhe dan che wang qian xing jin zhe
Riding my bike, I edge forward
某个路口 爱在等着 mo ge lu kou ai zai deng zhe
At some intersection, love awaits
你往前走 不回头看了ni wang qian zou bu hui tou kan le
You walk forward, without looking back
记忆的笑脸 ji yi de xiao lian
The memory of your smile
缓缓的敲着我的琴键 huan huan de qiao zhe wo de qin jian
gently pounds on my piano keys
我不舍得 让你孤孤单单的 wo she bu de rang ni gu gu dan dan de
I can't bear to let you be lonely
我爱你的 心牵挂着 wo ai ni de xin qian gua zhe
My heart loves you, is worried
一直想跟你说 yi zhi xiang gen ni shuo
Always wanted to tell you
幸福不再溜走 xing fu bu zai liu zou
(that) happiness will never slip away
在下一个路口 幸福哭着说 zai xia yi ge lu kou xing fu lu zhe shuo
At the next street intersection, happiness is crying out
心不再拼命躲 xin bu zai ping ming duo
Heart's not running away anymore
不去害怕结果 bu qu hai pa jie guo
Not afraid of the outcome
下个路口 你会看见爱 xia ge lu kou, ni hui kan jian ai
At the next street intersection, you'll see love
有美丽笑容 you mei li xiao rong
having a beautiful smile

心不再拼命躲 xin bu zai ping ming duo
My heart no longer strives to hide
不去害怕结果 bu qu hai pa jie guo
I'm not afraid of the consequences
假设有个以后 jia she you ge yi hou
Suppose there is a future
你会怎么说 ni hui ze me shuo
What would you say?
一直想跟你说 yi zhi xiang gen ni shuo
I've always wanted to tell you that
幸福不再溜走 xing fu bu zai liu zou
happiness won't slip away again
下个路口 你会看见爱 xia ge lu kou, ni hui kan jian ai
At the next intersection, you'll see love
有美丽笑容 you mei li xiao rong
with its beautiful smile

爱转角遇见了谁 ai zhuan jiao yu jian le shui
Who do you meet at love's corner
是否不让你流泪 shi fou bu rang ni liu lei
Not letting you drop tears
爱转角以后的街 ai zhuan jiao yi hou de jie
On the streets after love's corner
能不能有我来陪 neng bu neng you wo lai pei
Can I accompany you?
爱转角遇见了谁 ai zhuan jiao yu jian le shui
Who do you meet at love's corner?
是否不让你流泪 shi fou bu rang ni liu lei
Will he not let your tears fall?
也许陌生到了解 ye xu mo sheng dao liao jie
Maybe from strangers to friends (understanding)
让我来当你的谁 rang wo lai dang ni de shui
Let me be your someone
我不让爱掉眼泪 wo bu rang ai diao yan lei
I won't let love's tears fall
不让你掉眼泪 bu rang ni diao yan lei
won't let your tears fall
现在永远 你就是我 xian zai yong yuan ni jiu shi wo
Now till forever, you are my
就是我的美 jiu shi wo de mei
you are my perfection

爱转角遇见了谁 ai zhuan jiao yu jian le shui
At the Love's corner who will you meet?
是否不让你流泪 shi fou bu rang ni liu lei
Not letting you drop tears
爱转角以后的街 ai zhuan jiao yi hou de jie
After the love's corner's street
能不能有我来陪 neng bu neng you wo lai pei
Can I be there to accompany?
爱转角遇见了谁 ai zhuan jiao yu jian le shui
At the Love's corner who will you meet?
是否不让你流泪 shi fou bu rang ni liu lei
Not letting you drop tears
将寂寞孤单作废 jiang ji mo gu dan zuo fei
Let loneliness become invalid
让我来当你的谁 rang wo lai dang ni de shui
Let me be your someone
我不让爱掉眼泪 wo bu rang ai diao yan lei
I won't let love drop any tears
不让你掉眼泪 bu rang ni diao yan lei
Not letting you drop tears
现在永远 你就是我 xian zai yong yuan ni jiu shi wo
Now till forever, you are my
就是我的美 jiu shi wo de mei
you are my perfection

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